Whoopee! A Sex Positive Variety Show

Gay Pigeon is a proud sponsor of Whoopee! A monthly live variety Show in Portland, OR that is sex positive, queer, body positive, and kink friendly. Each month Gay Pigeon donates greeting cards, stickers, and labor to this awesome event. #Whoopeelive The Next show is October 15th, at the Bossanova Ballroom. Whoopee! Facebook Page October[…]

Come to Circus Church on Sunday 9/25!

Do you love clowns, dancers, burlesque, strip tease, hoopers, vaudevillians, led lights, titty tassels, music, dancing, glitter, body positivity, queer spaces, poi, drag queens, drag kings, juggling, go-go dancers? If you said “Yes!” to any of these come check out Circus Church at the Funhouse Lounge on Sunday, September 25th in Portland, Oregon. This event[…]